Useful Links

Anything by Katy Bowman. My number one idol for moving and how to move. There are her books, Move Your DNA, Movement Matters, Diastasis Recti… plus there are literally thousands of hours of resources on her blog: and she has a podcast: Move Your DNA Podcast:
Daniel Lieberman – Exercised (A big book about the evolution and science of exercise)
Gretchen Reynolds – The First 20 Minutes (A smaller book about the science of exercise)
Rangan Chatterjee – Feel Better Live More podcast: Dr Chatterjee interviews lots of different guests, including Daniel Lieberman and Tim Spector. There is an episode called Why Walking is the Superpower You Never Knew You Had, with Shane O’Mara, which will definitely inspire you to walk more), plus there are his books and resources on his website:
Tim Spector – for gut health and what to eat: Spoon Fed and The Diet Myth. Professor Spector is a co-founder of ZOE, a health science company that helps people improve their nutrition and ZOE has a podcast with episodes on exercise, the menopause, whether alcohol is good for you, and more:
My Pinterest board. Nice stuff to look at and maybe some dashes of inspiration in there too.
Yoga with Adriene. So many yoga videos of varying length. I have grown to really love Adriene over the last year and find her style soothing and relaxing. There are of course many other online yoga and other fitness classes on YouTube, but Adriene is my current fave.
Friends of mine I want to big up:
The Sword Guy – is the absolute best place to go if you are interested in learning about swordfighting. Plus he has The Sword Guy podcast.
Michael Windsor Pilates – Michaela is a fantastically knowledgeable and experienced Pilates teacher who runs online and in-person classes and 1-on-1 sessions. She really is excellent.
Mandukya Yoga – Wibbs and Jen are yoga teachers based in Suffolk. Wibbs specialises in natural movement – he can help you with any alignment problems you are having, any wonky bits or pain. He also has a podcast, Move Breathe Live.